Global Education for a Global World (May 12 in San Francisco)
Dear Colleagues: We are pleased to announce the new opportunity to participate in a trial YCT/HSK Exam from the Confucius Institute Exam Center.
Confucius Institute at SF State now is offering free YCT level 2 and HKS level 2 test trials to all students who are learning Chinese at elementary/middle/high schools and colleges/universities in Northern California. 1, What is YCT? The YCT (Youth Chinese Test) was launched by Hanban in an effort to encourage young students to learn Chinese and improve their Chinese language proficiency. YCT exam is designed for 15 years old or younger students at elementary/middle schools. For detailed information, please check our website: 2, What is HSK? The HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test ) was launched by Hanban in an effort to better serve Chinese language learners and served as an admission requirement exam to Chinese University. HSK exam is designed for high school/college students and adult learners. For detailed information, please check our website: 3, Why take the trial exam? This trial exam offers an opportunity to understand the level of the participating students. We, Confucius Institute at SF State, will give the test feedback to the teachers. 4, How it works ? A, If any teacher is interested in applying for this trial exam, please fill out the attached form and send it back to our Institute before October 5th at [email protected], or call Ms. Shanshan Liu at 415-338-7631. B, Our institute will release the test through Email by October 15th. C, The test should be completed before October 31st. D, Our institute will send the test feedback to teachers who helped conduct the test before November 20th. 亲爱的老师: 您好!感谢您对中文教育以及旧金山州立大学孔子学院工作的一贯支持。这次的Email是关于旧金山州立大学孔子学院为推广新HSK 以及新YCT考试而举办的免费试考。希望您能一如既往地支持我们的工作: 1,关于新HSK以及新YCT考试: 请参考我们网站的信息: 2, 关于本次免费考试: A, 本次免费考试的项目: 新YCT 2级(考试时间:25分钟) 新HSK 2 级(考试时间:20分钟) B, 免费试考对象: 新YCT 2级: 小学以及初中在读学生(15岁以下) 新HSK 2 级: 高中以及大学在读学生以及成年人 C, 申请办法: 如果您是北加州地区公/私立学校教师或中文学校教师均可以以班级为单位申请组织免费考。如果您有意参加,请在10月5日之前和我们联系([email protected], 或致电:415-338-7631)。 D,操作程序: a. 10月5日之前: 请有兴趣参加的老师在10月5日之前与我们联系,请填写好邮件中的申请以及信息表格,并于10月5日前发回到孔子学院。 b. 10月6日, 在收到您的邮件后,孔子学院将会在10月6日之前给您发确认函。 c. 10月15日, 孔子学院将于10月15日,将试卷发到您的邮箱。 d. 10月15-10月31日, 各位老师应于10月15日至10月31日之间随堂举行考试。申请参加考试的老师将负责印制试卷,并监督考试纪律,以保证考试公正,公开的原则。考试结束后,考场老师负责于当日将考卷密封并 寄到孔子学院。 e. 10月31日-11月20日 孔子学院将于11月20日前评出试卷分数,制作参考证书给每位参考学生,并将成绩以及证书寄到教师手中。 E. 学生为什么要参加免费试考: 此次的免费试考旨调查新HSK 以及新YCT考试的难易程度,同时也给参考的中文教师一个了解学生中文学习程度的渠道。在孔子学院评分之后,孔子学院将学生考试成 绩提供给教师以供教师参考。 F. 奖励措施: 旧金山州大孔子学院衷心感谢积极组织学生免费试考的教师奖励办法是:教师将获得免费参加旧金山州大孔子学院举办的一年一届的中文教师培训班(价值$150 )的机会。 如果有任何问题,请联系项目负责人: Ms. Shanshan Liu 联系方式: San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue, Burk Hall 325, San Francisco, CA 94132 Tel: (415) 338-7631 / Fax: (415) 405-2866 E-mail: [email protected] / Website: Jiaxin Xie Director Confucius Institute at SF State San Francisco State University Burk Hall 325 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 Tel: (415)405-2868 Fax: (415)405-2866 Email: [email protected] Website: |
Link to CLERC website
Language Teaching Workshop
Mercy High School, San Francisco
In collaboration with FLANC (Foreign Language Association of Northern California), Announces a four-hour tech workshop with lunch! Most skills would apply to any subject When: Saturday, March 27, 2010, 10 AM until 3:30 PM Where: Mercy High School, 3250 19th Ave San Francisco (Across from the Stonestown Galleria Shopping Center) Who: All interested teachers of any subject, presentations in English Cost: $40 for the all-day workshop, including lunch, handouts, and a Certificate of Completion from FLANC What: Do four hours of one, or split the day between them |
Apply for Chinese Government Scholarship
你们好。今天申报中国政府奖学金生的工作已经开始,我们特别希望你们各校推荐学生到中国去留学。现将申请材料送给你们,请介绍给学生,并鼓励他们申报。感谢对我们工作的支持。 祝好。 闫丽 中领馆教育组 |
The 2nd International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy
會議時間TIME: 2009 年8月15-16日(August 15-16, 2009)
會前參訪: 8月14日2-5 時 柏克萊加大東亞圖書館及書店(自由參加) Optional Tours (2-5PM, Friday, August 14): UC Berkeley C.V. Starr East Asian Library & University Bookstore 會議地點LOCATION: Hotel Shattuck Plaza, 2086 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 |
Summer Programs and Application Files
We are very happy to announce that THREE summer programs sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) are now ready:
I. 2009 Chinese Bridge Delegation (through the College Board on-line application) ;
II. 2009 Summer Training Program for Chinese Language Teachers (Organized by Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University);
III. 2009 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp for US High School Students (Organized by Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University).
2009 Chinese Bridge Delegation
2009 “Chinese Bridge” Summer Camp in China for U.S. High School Students
2009 Summer Chinese Language Teacher Training Program
i-1: Chinese Bridge Principal Delegation | |
File Size: | 32 kb |
File Type: | doc |
AP Chinese Teachers' Conference
“国际汉语教学优秀成果评选”及“《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》配套系列教材编写方案征集”活动中国国家汉办、孔子学院总部拟于近期启动“国际汉语教学优秀成果评选”及“《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》配套系列教材编写方案征集”活动,详情请见两个附件或汉办网站。真诚邀请您积极参与。 |